It is not correct to claim, as some are doing, that Masses have been cancelled or suspended. Every priest in our diocese has been asked by Bishop Zubik to be faithful and steadfast in celebrating Mass privately every single day. I have the joy and privilege of doing that every day and I do it mindful and intentional of the souls that I have been given responsibility to serve - the faithful of our parish grouping. As your pastor I continue to lift up the needs of each of the faithful in this difficult time when public Masses and services can no longer take place. Masses are being celebrated by every priest every day for the faithful. I know how painful it is for the faithful not to be able to participate in the Mass and to receive Holy Communion. But this is only for a time and in this time we are joined intimately and closely in the bonds of spiritual communion with our Lord, His Church and with each other who make up the Body of Christ. In his “Holy Thu...