Spiritual Communion
these times when the faithful are not able to attend Mass and receive Holy
Communion physically, we are invited to participate intentionally in Spiritual
Communion. Spiritual communion is a
practice among Catholics for union with Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist as a response to
God’s own desire for union. St. Thomas Aquinas
defined Spiritual Communion as “an ardent desire to receive Jesus in the Holy Sacrament
and a loving embrace as though we had already received Him.” The basis of this
practice was explained by Pope John Paul II
in his encyclical, Ecclesia de Eucharistia:
In the Eucharist, "unlike any other sacrament, the mystery
[of communion] is so perfect that it brings us to the heights of every good
thing: Here is the ultimate goal of every human desire, because here we attain
God and God joins himself to us in the most perfect union." Precisely for
this reason it is good to cultivate in our hearts a constant desire for the
sacrament of the Eucharist. This was the origin of the practice of
"spiritual communion," which has happily been established in the
Church for centuries and recommended by saints who were masters of the
spiritual life. St. Teresa of Jesus wrote: "When
you do not receive communion and you do not attend Mass, you can make a
spiritual communion, which is a most beneficial practice; by it the love of God
will be greatly impressed on you" [The Way of Perfection, Ch. 35.].
It is used as a
preparation for Holy Mass, and also by individuals who cannot receive Holy
Communion sacramentally (e.g. a state of being bedridden, absence of a
priest/minister, severe illness and of course in times like this when the
Mass is not available to the faithful). The value of a Spiritual Communion well done
is great. We can and we must make a Spiritual Communion often. This is a very
simple act. It is done simply by thinking of Jesus and His great Love for
you, and in our Love for Him. Then we have to ask the Holy Virgin to implore
to her Divine Son to come to our hearts. These Spiritual Communions can be
offered in the interests of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of
Mary. Our special
intentions can be added, as well. We can make this spiritual communion especially as we participate in Holy Mass by means of television or the internet. Here is a prayer that can be offered:
I wish to be united with your eternal oblation to the Father,
with each Eucharistic sacrifice
being offered at this moment upon this earth.
Lord, Jesus, come and dwell in my heart,
nourish me with the Bread of Life, Yourself;
cleanse, wash and purify me in the bath of Your Precious Blood.
with each Eucharistic sacrifice
being offered at this moment upon this earth.
Lord, Jesus, come and dwell in my heart,
nourish me with the Bread of Life, Yourself;
cleanse, wash and purify me in the bath of Your Precious Blood.
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