We are pressed on every side

“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed..struck down but not destroyed.”  Saint Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 seem so fitting for our situation today.  Who of us is not feeling hard pressed, hemmed in, forlorn and forsaken?  Each day brings continued reports of those dying from the coronavirus, the suffering of so many who are facing the illness, the devastation of those who have lost their jobs, the economic impact on business and our own personal financial resources, the isolation from social contact, the loss of sacramental grace and the ability event to go Mass, not being able to see our loved ones, especially the elderly, and the list goes on an on.  Hard pressed, struck down and struggling.  These are experiences that have shaken us to our core.

But we are not crushed or destroyed.  This is what we know with certainty.  God’s grace is more powerful than death.  Easter is the assurance of that triumph once and for all. We do not despair but struggle with hope.  We are confident of what lies ahead and we press on towards the prize that awaits those who are faithful.  This is what Saint Paul holds out for those who have faith.  I am reminded of Saint Paul’s words in Hebrews: “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”  Tomorrow, Friday May 1,  our country under the leadership of our bishops will reconsecrate our nation to the protection of our Lady, our Mother of Perpetual Help, the source of all joy, the Immaculate Conception, Queen of Heaven and Earth.  Mary is the most perfect disciple of her Son, the woman filled with hope.  As Elizabeth proclaimed:  “How blessed are you who believed that all the Lord promised would be fulfilled.”  Mary surrounds us with the mantle of her love and never disappoints those who seek her intercession.

We may feel hard pressed, struck down,abandoned and forlorn.  But we are not crushed or defeated.  Like Mary, our Mother, we live with the hope and joy of all that faith brings.  Let us keep our eyes fixed on the Lord.  He alone is our Rock and our Salvation.  In Him alone we place our trust. I am reminded of Saint Paul's words in Romans 8:28:    We know that all things work together for good to those who love God; those who live according to his purpose.”


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