George Floyd and the tragedy of these days
What happened to George Floyd is tragic and inexcusable. This should not happen to any person in our country. Every citizen in our nation should be outraged by his death. We mourn the loss of a human life that could have been prevented. We pray for his eternal rest and our hearts and prayers go out to the members of Mr. Floyd's family. We pray that God will bring consolation, strength and healing to their broken hearts and lives. We do not know what happened that day to lead a member of law enforcement to do what appears to be a cruel action directly causing a man's death. We do not know what was in the police officer's mind and heart that led him to take those actions. He will need to answer for his actions and face the penalties of law if convicted and ultimately answer to God. It is a foundational principle of our justice system that a person is innocent until proven guilty. The police officer has already been arrested and c...